Information and Communication Technology
At Palm View Primary School, we recognise our students to be digital natives and they are an integral part of our learning provision. As such, we curate the use of technology to authenticate their learning experiences to meet their learning needs. Through the use of ICT, we aim to nurture in our students:
- Skills and knowledge for digital learning and communication
- Aptitude and values for character development and citizenship
This is actualised through programmes and activities implemented through the various subject disciplines to provide opportunities for our students to connect, grow and innovate not only with class content, but also with each other, and the world around them.
The Curriculum
Blending learning to meet diverse student learning needs
Blended learning is an approach to education that combines online educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with traditional place-based classroom methods. It requires the physical presence of both teacher and student, with some elements of student control over time, place and pace.
The Student Learning Space (SLS) is the main platform in which students develop their skills and competency in the use of ICT for different learning experiences and achievements.
Cyber wellness and outreach programmes to ensure student well-being online
Cyber Wellness (CW) refers to the positive well-being of Internet users. It involves an understanding of online behaviour and awareness of how to protect oneself in cyberspace. The focus of CW is about helping students to become responsible digital learners. When navigating cyberspace, students should demonstrate respect for self and others and practise safe and responsible use. Students should also be a positive peer influence by harnessing technology for collaboration, learning and productivity, as well as advocating positive use of technology for the good of the community.
CW education is conducted during curriculum time and through programmes in schools such as workshops, talks and activities. CW education is also embedded in subjects such as English and Mother Tongue Languages, Character and Citizenship Education and Form Teacher Guidance Periods.Here is an overview of the themes and topics covered in CW education:

Themes | What your child will learn about |
Cyber identity and cyber use | · Online identity and expression · Balanced use of technology |
Cyber relationships | · Netiquette · Cyber bullying · Online relationships |
Cyber citizenship | · Cyber world · Handling online content and behaviour · Cyber contacts |

Ambassador sharing her experience advocating for cyber wellness with teachers and students from other schools.
Since 2016, the Cyber Wellness Student Ambassador Programme was developed in Palm View to promote safe and responsible use of ICT among our students. It aims to develop a group of student leaders in schools that complements each school’s existing efforts in cyber wellness using positive peer influence. The ambassadors have created various multimedia projects to engage their peers, as well as organized recess activities to reinforce their advocacy in cyber wellness.